34 thoughts on “U. S. Debate: last post tonight — Success Inspirers’ World

  1. Hi Jeffrey: A little over a month to go and I am not sure who I will vote for. Never had this happen to me before. I will not be voting for Hillary. I just don’t trust her and am not sure she is best for our national defense.


  2. Jeffrey, hello..I agree with you on that one! Way back in the 90’s with the savings and loan and the land deal that they were involved in, many of their friends going to prison, one killing himself and of course Benghazi…and who knows what else…Yes she does. How does one sleep at night?
    I would like the politicians to pump and pay for their own gas, go to the grocery store themselves on a Budget, have to live like us mere mortals just for a month…they could not do it…


  3. Hi Jeffrey: Days are counting down and I am not sure whom to vote for but feel guilty if I don’t vote! I guess it’s my right not to….I can not vote for Hillary, but Trump? I am a little scared..


  4. I liked both of them, but Cruz was really my hopeful…I don’t pay much attention to the polls as they change everyday, but it seems today that Hillary is doing better than Trump…I wish they would talk about their plans instead of attacking one another. They are acting like bullies on the playground and it’s hard to take them seriously or even believe that one of them will soon be President!


  5. Toni, during his 2016 bid before he suspended his campaign, Rick Santorum proposed a 20/20 tax plan where capital gains, corporate profits and earned income get treated the same. What are your thoughts about flat taxes or consumption taxes?

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  6. I don’t have any capital gains nor corporate profits and all of the business tax stuff goes to the accountant. I just don’t get involved with it. I pay her to do it.
    BTW, I think Pence was great in last night’s VP debate. He looked very Presidential!!
    Thank you Jeffrey!


  7. Hi Jeffrey: I really like him!! I know that there was some controversy about him, but he makes much sense to me. I would like to see more of him on the political scene. What do you think of him?? Thank you!


  8. Hi Jeffrey: It was hard to believe, wasn’t it? I don’t know if it was true or not and think it was silly and a smear campaign. Look at what we have to choose from now!! Thank you Jeffrey!


  9. Toni, I don’t believe everything I read. Unless I am presented with facts about things which contradict any views that I originally had, my thinking is pretty consistent for the most part. As far as Hillary Clinton is concerned, I think she should be in jail.

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  10. Hi Jeffrey: I like to search out the facts. I don’t believe the media nor anything I read in newspapers or the internet unless I search it out. I too, think Hillary should be in jail. If I did half of what she did, I know I would be. It isn’t fair, but money and favors have been exchanged for years in politics so it really isn’t very surprising to me..


  11. Toni, Hillary Clinton may not have killed the Americans who were in Benghazi, however, she essentially gave license to those who did. Each time I have seen her on television, her smiling and laughing of the accusations made against her makes me sick. She is evil.

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  12. Hi Jeffrey: I don’t know how the chain of command works, but I am quite sure that she was in a position to save the ones that perished in Benghazi. I know that there were several calls for help as well as emails prior to the attack. She sickens me too and I wonder how she can sleep at night.


  13. Toni, I don’t have much patience for the politically correct b.s. that is on display in some cases. Either a person should speak their thoughts if they want to or keep their opinions to themselves and not impose their views on other people.

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  14. Toni, we seem to have become too politically correct a society in the U.S. in some regards. I try to avoid saying offensive things intentionally, however, if someone is offended by anything I have said, that is ultimately their problem. Just my thoughts.

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