The Winery and me…..

Since I am working tomorrow and probably won’t be able to write because I will be dead on my feet by the time I get home, I decided that I would share a few stories about the customers I served during the past week.

I met an adorable couple that was married at the Winery three years ago. Every year on their anniversary they rent a cottage and spend day or weekend at the winery. They eat a fancy lunch at the restaurant and then go for a wine tasting. It’s only $7.00 per glass and one gets to try over 20 wines. Then they go to the window and buy a fancy bottle of wine to share over their Anniversary and always buy another bottle that was served at their wedding. They were so happy and so in love and just lifted one’s spirits seeing them!

I also met a party of four that was from France. They were comparing French wines to Italian wines. You could tell that they were really wine drinkers. Smelling it first, tasting lightly, swishing it around and then pronouncing their judgement as to whether it was good or not. They were so funny! They were on vacation and decided to take in Wine Country….

A large party of eight came in and out of the corner of my eye I saw something flashing. It was a flashing tiara on the head of a young girl. She was celebrating her 21st birthday by going wine tasting…..everyone was in such a good mood! I took pictures of them for them and by the time they reached the dessert wines they were definitely having a great time!  They were tasting at several different wineries and thank goodness they arrived in a special limo for the day!!

I also served a lone man. We get very few people that come in alone. He said that his wife loved wine but he did not care for it. She wanted to share a glass with him at the end of the day. She thought it was romantic. He decided to take off work early and sampled all of the wines. He did find one or two that he liked and walked out with two bottles. I thought that was so thoughtful of him!! He planned to surprise her that night….ah love!!

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